The world, after storm
The digital ghettos that are rising around us herald a new world. What will be the public space where we, the citizens, will meet?
The digital ghettos that are rising around us herald a new world. What will be the public space where we, the citizens, will meet?
In the middle of technological expansion, people can lie more, faster, cheaper and more convincingly.
The fashion industry and most fashion companies have been hit hard by COVID-19.
We are psychologically coded to focus on the negative aspects and the risks, before thinking about how we could break down the problem into smaller, solvable pieces.
University education is in crisis. While COVID-19 has dramatically accelerated the delivery of online lessons, in doing so it has raised questions about the primacy of campus-based learning.
Humans are not generally disposed to radical departures from their daily rounds.
Perhaps we can use our time with our devices to rethink the kinds of community we can create through them.
COVID-19 will sweep away many of the artificial barriers to moving more of our lives online. Not everything can become virtual, of course.
For a long time America has associated patriotism with the armed forces. But you can't shoot a virus.
We know now that touching things, being with other people and breathing the air in an enclosed space can be risky.
Companies will be required to follow a new set of rules in the videos they promote.
Can we equate influencers with celebrities? Influencers are celebrities, but they have an extremely important additional dimension.
The creative industries have the chance to assert themselves, more than ever, turning the current context into benefits, in favor of the development of society.
We asked ourselves: what would happen if we could take recent technological advances and combine them with art?
COVID-19 may have broken the resistance of many employers to working from home.
Where does the money for film productions come from during the crisis? Restrictions on staying at home have brought benefits for some online streaming services (video on demand).
Will online events ever replace the live sector?
The current crisis has reduced US box office to zero and TV shows are experiencing some of the best ratings in years.Does this mark the death of cinema chains and of the night out at the movies?
Even history tells us that a combination of prudent cost reduction and a selection of well-thought-out investments would be the ideal way to get through the current situation ...
We live in interesting times. Some say that nothing will be the same from now on, others that things will not change much. Probably, as many times, the truth will be somewhere in the middle.
These are just a few of the keywords that describe the most recent period of our lives, just as they would appear in our daily speeches.
The fashion industry, in all its aspects, has been hit and continues to suffer due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as an integral part of global economy.